About us
We are a fully owned Irish company with a passion for IT Software Development in All Aspects of the Automotive Industry. Our technology is built in-house by some of the best IT software developers in the business.
We operate on a Business to Business level and have configured user friendly systems that assist the entire automotive industry by providing as much relevant information as possible, in order to allow users to confidently make informed decisions within a reliable and secure systems that are protected by the latest encryption and security software.
Simply put, we develop smart technology to make your business more efficient and your life easier. Our vast array of systems also allow for a major improvement in Time, Quality, Risk and Cost Management.
With ample experience and expertise within the Insurance, Motor, Fleet, IT, Engineering, Financial, Data Analysis and Marketing, our team of professionals take pride in building and developing software systems for the Automotive Industry.
There's always a human voice at the end of the line if you have any question regarding your business or a particular solution, our systems and any aspect of our vehicle data services.
That's how we work. We're with you all the way.
Insurance Companies
We have partnered with all of Ireland's leading Insurance Companies and have integrated our Vehicle Valuation System, as well as many of the additional vehicle data services into their daily claims and engineering operations, as well as underwriting and Special Investigation Units.
Vehicle Assessing / Engineering Companies
We have the majority of Independent Vehicle Assessing and Engineering Companies within every region of Ireland using our Vehicle Valuation System as well as many of the additional vehicle data services on daily basis.
Franchise and Independent Motor Dealers
We configured our Vehicle Valuation, Car History Checks and Dealer Management Systems for motor dealers and now have hundreds of Franchise and Independent Motor Dealers throughout every single County in Ireland using our system on daily basis.
Financial Institutions
We have partnered with the majority of Ireland's leading Financial Institutions and have integrated a vast amount of our vehicle data services within their frontend and backend systems, as well as working very closely with their underwriting and collections departments.
Vehicle Manufacturers
We have teamed up with several large vehicle manufacturers at numerous different levels for monitoring the performance of their vehicles in terms of current market and future valuations, as well as analysing vast amount of data within a reporting framework.
Our Vehicle Valuation System has been integrated with the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) and Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors (IAEA) exams, which is being used by all vehicle engineer assessors and approved repairers sitting the exam in DIT.
Contact one of our team today to discuss what we can do to assist your business or for a free trial of any one of our many modules.
Members of the following Institutions and Associations